
CultureWorks Educational Representatives' Club

We appreciate the services Educational Representatives provide our students and strive to make working with us easy. As a Representative of CultureWorks you can expect excellent service.

Benefits offered by the CultureWorks Educational Representatives' Club (The Club) include access to training and professional, language specific, co-branded marketing materials. Our belief is that by best supporting you, you will be able to better support students.

The Club manual (PDF)

Examples (May 2013):

30 second video clips,  2 minute video clips (YouTube)
University program list,  College program list (PDFs)
Print advertisements (PDF)
Student Testimonials (YouTube)
CultureWorks presentation (PDF - 7 MB)
Educational Representative certificate (PDF)
Webinar/Information session ~ live online access to CultureWorks team members

If you are interested in being a member, please contact Deb Leeming, Relations Manager at


Terms & Conditions

The Club documents are the property of CultureWorks. All names, logos/trademarks and pictures therein belong to their respective owners, and may not be edited or used for other means without the consent of CultureWorks. Information is for reference and promotional purposes, and does not guarantee student acceptance from the university/college. Translations have been provided and reviewed by an interpreter, but may differ in connotation from region or by dialect. Languages other than English have been supplied as supporting resources. For the most recent versions, please download here.

Copyright © 2013 CultureWorks ESL Inc.