Preliminary Year Program

What is the Preliminary Year Program?

The PYP Program is a completely customizable program for students, with options based on your unique educational needs. The PYP Program offers students the opportunity to meet their English and academic admission requirements at the same time.

The Preliminary Year Program is a co-educational pre-university qualifying year that:

  • Provides an opportunity to complete first-year university admission requirements
  • Follows the university calendar, with classes beginning in September and ending in April
  • Helps young women and men acclimate to campus life, university courses, and lectures
  • Is taught by qualified and experienced instructors on the Brescia campus
  • Focuses on skills required to be successful in university, including
    • time management
    • study/examination skills
    • reading, writing, and research skills
    • experience participating in class discussions and seminars

There are four study options in the PYP Program:

Click on each option for a full description.

How do I know which option is best for me?
When you submit an application to the Preliminary Year Program, our Admissions Team will evaluate your educational history and documents to determine which option is best for you.  The PYP is completely customizable and can fit any student’s educational goals.  


Admission Requirements

Ontario High School

Minimum of 24 credits towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). A minimum average of 70% in an academic program oriented toward university studies, with most courses at the advanced level of difficulty, is required for admission consideration.

Outside of Ontario

Eligibility assessed on evaluation of academic records. Some examples of requirements include:

  • General Certificate of Education/CXC Certificate
  • General Certificate of Education (GCE)/General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) with passes in at least five academic subjects at the “O” level (Grade C or higher). These subjects must include English. One of mathematics, science, or a language other than English is recommended.
  • The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Certificate, Grades One-Three (effective 1998) at General Proficiency, will be accepted. Conditional admission is granted to students whose predicted or mock results represent Grades One-Three.

U.S. High School

Grade 11 with “B” standing in three academic subjects. Applicants should rank in the upper half of their class. Grade 12 students with a “C” standing in three of the four Grade 12 academic subjects. For further information, please contact the Admissions Office at .

Financial Aid

Brescia is pleased to offer two Ursuline Scholars Preliminary Year Awards valued at $1,750 each. To qualify, the recipients must meet the following criteria:

  • Full-time student in Brescia’s Preliminary Year program
  • Demonstrated involvement in extra-curricular activities


Option 1: Language + Preliminary Year Credits

  • Students needing English language courses can combine that coursework with Preliminary Year credits to satisfy university admission requirements.
    • A list of Preliminary Year credits can be found here.  
    • These courses can be taken in any combination. 
  • Students with a 6.0 IELTS or equivalent can take English courses + Preliminary Year credits.  Students with below 6.0 IELTS may be eligible take this combination, but will be subject to individual review and approval.  Students presenting below a 5.5 IELTS can study language full-time, and add Preliminary Year credits once a higher level of English is obtained in the program.  
  • Students will be assisted in applying to the final university of their choice as part of the program.
  • Fees for the Preliminary Year program can be found here.




Option 2: Language + First Year Credits

  • Students needing English language courses can combine that coursework with first year university credits to receive advanced standing into year one or two.
    • A list of first-year courses can be found here.  
    • These courses can be taken in any combination.  
  • Students with a 6.0 IELTS or equivalent can take English courses + credits.  Students with below 6.0 IELTS may be eligible take this combination, but will be subject to individual review and approval.  Students presenting below a 5.5 IELTS can study language full-time, and add credits once a higher level of English is obtained in the program.  
  • Students will be assisted in applying to the final university of their choice, as part of the program.
  • Fees for the Preliminary Year program can be found here.



Option 3: Preliminary Year Credits Only

  • An opportunity to complete first-year university admission requirements and learn the skills you will need to succeed in university: essay writing, taking lecture notes, writing examinations, etc.
  • Students are enrolled in 5 academic subjects plus a non-credit course designed to provide study skills and transition support
    • A list of Preliminary Year courses can be found here.  
  • Students will be assisted in applying to the final university of their choice, as part of the program.
  • Fees for the Preliminary Year program can be found here.

Option 4: Preliminary Year + First Year Credits

  • A co-educational pre-university qualifying year.
    • A list of Preliminary Year courses can be found here.  
    • A list of first-year courses can be found here.  
    • These courses can be taken in any combination.  
  • Students will be assisted in applying to the final university of their choice, as part of the program.
  • Fees for the Preliminary Year program can be found here.

What Happens After the Preliminary Year?

Students can begin their university studies confident of their academic competence. With a minimum overall average of 65% (and where applicable, with required prerequisites) female students are eligible for admission to first-year Arts and Social Sciences programs at Brescia University College. Preliminary Year students may gain admission to Western University or its other affiliates (Huron University College and King’s University College), or to other post-secondary institutions throughout Ontario and elsewhere.