Live with a local family. Homestay includes all meals. Roomstay does not include any food. Homestay/Roomstay allows you to immerse yourself in Canadian culture and provides an excellent opportunity to practice and improve your English language skills. Host families also offer additional guidance and help as you settle into your new community.
Host families: Great care is taken to match the student with a host family, and host families must provide police checks. To help ensure the student’s stay is as comfortable as possible, CultureWorks carefully selects a family that respects the student’s culture and religion. If you are interested in becoming one of our valuable host families, please contact us for more information.
Homestay parent Alanna Reabel
Homestay parent Gacheri Muriuki
Homestay parent Kim Dempsey and her son Queco Dempsey
Homestay parents Carlos & Andreia Sousa