Month: June 2015

Best Activities for Each Canadian Season

When you first arrive in Canada, you'll find that one of the fastest ways to immerse yourself in the culture (and start applying your English skills) is to get out there and get active! Whether you like sports, nature, history, or the arts, Canada has plenty of activities to excite…

4 Cool Apps to Help You Practise Your English

If you have a smartphone, then you might already be using apps to listen to music, play games, or Skype with friends. But did you know that there are tons of fun and creative apps for improving your English? Practising your English on your smartphone can be a great way…

Essential Steps for Understanding & Remembering What You Read

If you’re enrolled in an ESL program like CultureWorks, your ultimate goal is to develop strong enough English skills to enter university and succeed in earning your degree. Reaching that goal means learning new things about the English language every day - and remembering what you learn to build strong…

Meet Hunter Doubt, London Campus Associate Registrar

CultureWorks instructors and staff are a diverse, committed and exceptionally caring group of professionals. Much like our students, we come from many different backgrounds and are inspired by a wide range of interests. But what we can all agree on is our passion for helping students from around the world…