Get The Facts About 4 Animals You Might See While You Study English in Canada


study English in Canada
CultureWorks students go on a nature hike to see if they can spot birds and other wild animals

Canada is home to many different species. From colourful birds to white polar bears, there are a wide range of distinct animals that like to call this country home. While many of these animals only live in remote regions, some are very adaptable and can be found in cities, suburbs, and even the occasional university campus. In fact, you might be able to see some during your own studies.

Here are some animals that you might see while you study English in Canada, as well as a few helpful facts about them.

Spot a Blue Jay While You Study English in Canada

These small blue birds are common in southern Canada. This means that there’s a chance you might spot one while you attend an intensive English program at one of the CultureWorks campuses in Ottawa, Oshawa, or London, Ontario.

intensive English program
ESL students can see blue jays year-round during any Canadian season

These birds are most famously known for their distinct blue colour. But what many ESL students might not know is that their feathers don’t actually contain blue pigment. Instead, as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology notes, “The pigment in Blue Jay feathers is melanin, which is brown. The blue color is caused by scattering light through modified cells on the surface of the feather barbs.”

Polar Bears are Featured on Canada’s Two-Dollar Coin

Polar bears like cool arctic climates, so they only live in Northern regions of Canada. However, you can still see polar bears every day by taking a look at the change in your pocket. Many Canadian coins feature animals on them—from the loon on our one-dollar coin to the beaver on our 5 cent coin. And on our ‘toonie’ (the name given to the Canadian two-dollar coin), you can see a small engraving of a polar bear.


English as a second language program
Polar bears pass through Churchill during the fall when they head back up north to hunt seals

If you want to see real live polar bears while you study English in Canada, you’ll need to travel a bit further north. But if you’re up for the trip, the town of Churchill Manitoba is the “polar bear capital of the world” and the perfect spot to see these gorgeous bears in their natural habitat.

Raccoons Are Both Crafty and Intelligent Animals

Raccoons are known for their distinct black band of fur which looks a tiny bandit mask. In some ways, that “bandit” reputation is well-founded. These crafty animals will eat anything and are known for digging up lawns to eat grubs, destroying vegetable gardens, and even rooting through garbage to grab a tasty snack.

That’s why some Canadians see these creatures as pests. While raccoons can sometimes make a mess, they’re also extremely intelligent. According to animal behaviour professor Suzanne MacDonald, raccoons are “really, really great at remembering things for a longer period of time than dogs.”

If you spot a raccoon while you study English in Canada, you can decide whether you think they’re crafty “bandits” or intelligent adapters. Just remember not to get too close! Wild raccoons can sometimes get aggressive if they’re approached.

Try to See the Monarch Butterfly Migration While You Study English in Canada

Monarch butterflies are plentiful in Southern Ontario, but you won’t see them during the winter semester. By then, they’ll have migrated to warmer spots.


intensive English program
Monarch butterflies are known for their distinct bright orange colour

This migration is one of the most unique and beautiful in the world. During the late summer and early fall when ESL students arrive to Canada, groups of thousands of monarch butterflies gather in Southern Ontario near lakes Erie and Ontario. Then, these butterflies start the 5,000 km journey to overwintering spots in the southern United States and Mexico. The journey is so long that when you see them return in the spring, it’ll be a different generation of monarch butterflies.

Do you want to enroll in an English as a second language program in Canada?

Find out what sets CultureWorks apart by visiting our website or by speaking to one of our friendly advisors.



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